"Drench yourself in words unspoken. Live your life with arms wide open. Today is where your book begins, the rest is still unwritten..." Welcome to my side of the web! Feel free to send me an e-mail me or leave me comments, but no spam...unless it's in a musubi or fried with some eggs, rice and a side of kim chee! Don't forget to take your shoes/slippers off at the door, and don't go home with a different pair! ;)
Thursday, April 27, 2006
Back in the E-E-ER!
Tuesday, April 25, 2006
Adventures in the ER
So many things happened around us that night. There was a code blue down the hall, which was broadcasted over the intercom system, and I could hear the noise of them doing chest compressions. A Korean lady broke her hip, but there was a communication barrier amongst her, the doctor, and nurses. Because she was combative (probably from being in so much pain) they had to restrain her but luckily called a family member over to serve as an interpreter. A man next door seemed to be a regular pain meds receiver there, known quite well by nurses. I couldn't help but overhear their conversation because his room was right next door to mine. Actually, I couldn't help but observe everything that was going on around us because everything is so loud there on the floor so it seemed like nothing could be kept secret. While I waited in my room, I also wondered how the man in his mid 20's accompanied by his 2 friends broke his hand and also about the little girl a few doors down that had trouble breathing and was so sick they had to admit, and hoped that she would be better soon...hoped that they all would be better soon. What a night. What an adventure! After seeing all of that in addition to going through my own ordeal, it felt so good to finally be home and be in my own bed without being around people that are unfortunately sicker than you or ones that only frequent the ER for pain meds paid for by taxpayers!
So my pain ended up to "probably" be a pinched nerve due to my back issues. All of my tests came out normal and they couldn't find out the source of my pain, so they said it was most likely due to my bad disc. The ER doctor and my surgeon's office both said to increase my pain meds and take 1 1/2 to 2 pills every 4 hours, instead of 1 every 8 hours, and lucky for me my surgery's next week so I won't be a walking zombie for long! You know before all of this excitement, I was pretty apprehensive about my back surgery even though I know it's going to pretty much save my life. It's a major thing, and I kept on freaking out about being put under, being in the hospital, being away from my children, the recovery process, etc., but spending the night in the ER helped me overcome some of my fears and in turn, made me realize that this whole ER experience wasn't such a stumbling block after all. That in fact, this was a hidden blessing that was sent to reassure me that everything's going to be ok. :) So with things in a new perspective for me, I'm ready for the surgery with my chin up and eager to take things one with one step at a time!
Friday, April 21, 2006
Surgery Time
Thursday, April 20, 2006
Overnight Trippin'
The heavenly sleep number bed...

Ok so about the food! We were surrounded by restaurant madness! We decided to walk to the Japan Center, which was right down the street and have dinner there. It was so overwhelming because there were so many places to choose from, and I made myself and Alex walk the entire mall until we settled on somewhere to eat. The restaurant we picked was yummy, with a good balance of sushi, sashimi, and entrees. One of the sushi rolls that we got was a Tonkatsu roll and they breaded the roll in panko, deep fried it, and served it with Tonkatsu sauce and it was absolutely delicious! We also got some hamachi sashimi, an order of inari sushi, a spicy tuna roll, a teriyaki/tempura bento, dinner salad, miso soup, and shared everything. After dinner, our way back to the hotel we passed a little coffee shop that had some butter mochi, lychee mochi, pastries, truffles, ice cream, coffee drinks, lychee slushies and mochi slushy drinks. We were both so full, but Alex needed some coffee and I had to get a lychee slushy and some lychee mochi to go. We went back to the hotel room and I soaked in the whirlpool tub for a bit before we settled in and watched a movie on Adella (my laptop). The next morning, we checked out and headed out to my doctor's appointment at UCSF. It was a really good appointment and everyone there was so nice. The appointment itself surprisingly lasted for 3 hours but it was nice to not have that rushed feeling at a doctor's appointment for a change. So although it was short, it was a nice trip to the city. I wanted to take more pictures, but it rained most of the time that we were there and I didn't want to get the camera wet. I would have loved to stay longer as well, but we weren't there for a vacation and had to get back to our family. Besides, if all goes well we'll be back there soon enough!
Monday, April 03, 2006
Somebody pass me some Ambien please.
Tuesday, March 14, 2006
Admitting It Is The First Step!
When it comes to certain stores or websites, there is no such thing as a small purchase for me. It is just impossible for me to go in, buy one thing, and get out. I will ultimately get sucked in and spend the usual average $ amount that I often spend there. For example, I love Longs. I mean LOOOOOOVE passionately! It started when I was younger and living in Hawaii, and all of the Longs stores there have such cute things...things that are only sold in Hawaii. Back then I could walk into a Longs and have control, back in the days of only having a weekly $20 allowance and having to budget, but nowadays not so much self control. Not that I don't have to budget now, but I always spend an average of $100 there! Beauty products, hair stuff, seasonal items, seasonal clearance items, even the grocery items are always high frequency items on my list. So most recently, since I'm home most of the time, I went shopping at MAC online because I was out of concealer and had to restock. No, I couldn't just get the concealer and check out. I HAD to get the other things that I've been "needing" and the grand total came out to $170. At least I qualified for free shipping, right? LOL Just last Friday, hubby and I went shopping at the new Ikea because the kids were spending the weekend over at my parent's house and we needed to get some curtains for the living room. Back pains and achy legs weren't enough to keep me from hobbling around the store and getting my shop awn! I was dying when we finally paid and got into the car, and couldn't wait to get home, but no...we didn't just get the curtains and go. We slowly made our way around the store (which is purposely built like a maze) picking things up here and there and spent over 2 hours and 20 minutes there shopping...which after the 15 to 20 minute car ride was 2 hours and 20 minutes too long for me to be out! Two shopping bags full (remind me to get a cart next time because we never just get a few things at Ikea!) and one plant, and almost $400 later, I was too sore but happy that I got to be out and about and shopping in one of my favorite stores.
Hi! My name is Staci, and I have a shopping problem.
Friday, March 10, 2006
Good Ol' Childhood Comforts
1/4 lb. of sweet sour lemon
1/4 lb. of shredded li hing mui
1/4 lb. of rock salt plum
1/2 lb. of pickled peach
1 lb of pickled mango with li hing mui
1/2 lb. of pickled apricot
1/4 lb. of komaru senbei
1/2 lb. of hachimitsu balls (kimi balls)
1 box (60 pcs) of Fusen Gum
Now I wasn't being a glutton...although I probably will have a taste of everything. I ordered the senbei for my husband to try and the hachimitsu balls and the gum for the kids. Yesterday my package of delights arrived and I not only had to tear into it right away, but couldn't stop eating! HAHA My husband had to pry the package out of my hands! First I thought that I would just have a little taste of the tourist seed sample that they included, but there was just no way that I could stop at that. One pickled peach, two pickled apricots, two pickled mango pieces with a li hing mui seed that was in it, one sweet li hing mui, and red fingertips from the pickled mango later, my husband was intervening for the sake of my high blood pressure and hiding the box from me! It may not sound like I ate much, but I had all of this AFTER we had gotten back from Alex's birthday dinner at the Outback Steakhouse and AFTER we had his Haupia birthday cake that I ordered from Zippys. (Sidenote: Outback's french onion soup, bleu cheese chopped salad and lamb chops are all soooo delicious and mail order from Zippys is always worth it, even if the price of shipping is more than the item ordered!) I was sooo full, but I had to have a taste of home. :) It was nice! Aaah...love it!
When I was younger, I would go to the crack seed store every single time we went to Pearlridge or Ala Moana Shopping Center or would always wind up getting some from Gibson's whenever we were there. You could kind of compare it to Pavlov's experiment with the dogs and the association with the bells, because just seeing those huge jars with the bell-shaped dome lids would be enough to make anyone's mouth water! If you grew up from Hawaii or have ever been there, you would know what I'm talking about. They always had such a HUGE selection to choose from and sometimes it was hard to decide what to get. Would it be the juicy li hing mui? Pickled apricots? Rock salt plums? Ahi jerky? Oh the decisions! When you tell them what you want, you order by weight. For example, "I'd like a 1/4 lb. of li hing mui and a 1/2 lb. of shredded ginger please." I always found it funny how the counter person would always get it to the precise weight, picking and choosing the size of the seed or just the right pinch of the shredded stuff to get you to that amount. I would never think about complaining about paying a little extra because it came out to be a few ounces over. LOL It's interesting how they take such care in precision, and if it was over, they would take a little out and put some back in until it was exactly that weight! What customer service! And as for the gum that I ordered? I used to buy it for 2 cents a piece from the candy counter at the shopping center that I rode my bike to when I was little. I loved the little Japanese blue tatoos that were on the other side of the wrapper and the gum itself is so yummy! Anyway, it was nice to be transported back to my childhood for a little while. :) If anyone needs me, I'll be here with my goodies! ;)
Wednesday, March 01, 2006
Doin' the Happy Dance
My new laptop is here and I'm in love :) It arrived 2 days ago and I have been in techie heaven ever since. Dell is the bomb! I swear we got it in less than a week! Last night we hooked it up to the TIVO to start transferring some of our saved programs to burn onto dvd. We got it with the media center package, so it has a built in tv tuner and a remote so we could use it as an extra TIVO to record some of our favorite shows. It also has a built in wireless card so I've got internet while I'm here on the living room couch. Now it's not that I can't be away from the computer and the internet. It's just that now I don't have to struggle to sit in the desk chair for a few minutes while I use the computer. YAY!
Tuesday, February 28, 2006
When Did We Move To Kansas?
(10 minutes later...)
So the tornado warnings are all cancelled, but we're still expecting heavy rain, thunderstorms, and hail in the area. It's still pretty dark outside and the rain has come, although not heavy yet. They're saying that it's a fast moving storm, so luckily it will be here and gone within a few minutes. I've always hated crazy weather like this. When we were living in Baltimore, we would have these crazy storms...some that would come out of nowhere, and I would always get freaked out. I've still got the news on...they're showing EG and reporting that they had some hail and lightening where they were reporting from--I5 and EG Blvd, which isn't that far from me...about 5 minutes or so. Lucky for me, I missed all of that. :) Whew! And now there's sunshine...yay!
Sunday, February 26, 2006
Ewww, I'm Going To Puke!
They showed another individual who is a wall street trader by day and a competitive eater on the side. He's trying to stretch his stomach out for these competitions by eating 11 pounds of various foods (bananas, yogurt, oatmeal, strawberries, pudding, etc.) and then drinking 2 pounds of water afterwards. He came in second for the Nathan's french fry competition and now he's training for the Nathan's hot dog competition as well. This is so crazy...all for a bedazzled mustard colored belt that resembles a wrestling belt! Unfortunately for him, he came in 9th out of 16th. Sorry Charlie! Hope you're good at being a day trader. Don't quit your job.
The last individual seems small time to me in mostly entering local contests, and isn't as "skilled" as the other two. He entered a hot wings eating contest and they're now showing him in a spoonbread eating contest. Why? Why? Why?
So here's the kicker. All of these guys are slim! What the hell!?! Is that some kind of sick joke for us who aren't so blessed with their metabolism? Whatever. I'm over it. Delete.
Timing Is Everything
Monday, February 20, 2006
Rants and Raves, Poos and Oohs
On Saturday, we went over to Nextel and I traded in the blackberry 7100i for the i355 . It was a cool phone, but I couldn't do as much web stuff as I wanted too, and the battery life sucked. And I got a proposition from Alex that I couldn't turn down...why don't I exchange the phone and we'll get a laptop! Nice! I'm happy with my new phone, though. It's a very butch phone...not at all cute and sexy. Alex says that it would match the Hummer H2 that I want! LOL From the Nextel site: "It's certified to Military Standard 810 F for blowing rain, humidity, and salt fog. Designed to withstand exposure to rain, sleet, and snow. Rubber encasing, interior linings and seals protect the phone's antenna, speakerphone, keys, battery door, and accessory connections against water intrusion." It's a lot different than one that I would normally choose, but I love how it is really durable and can withstand being dropped or splashed by water (which I've done in the past). I've already personalized it by downloading some games, wallpapers, and ring tones. Love it! The only downside that I've found so far is that because it's made so durable...it's heavy! The muscles in my arm hurt a little from playing with it over the weekend, and my fingers hurt from sending text messages. It's not that I've sent a ton of messages, but you have to really push down on the buttons to key in your entries. We're all set on a laptop choice as well. Alex stayed up late to shop on Dell's website and I think we've settled on our choice. I'm so excited...I can't wait! :)
OOH, we went to Indian Buffet on Saturday night at Sher-E-Punjab. Everything was sooo good! Alex and I even got into the Bollywood movie playing on the plasma screen that was mounted on the wall...so much, that I'm having Alex call the restaurant to ask what movie was playing that night so that I can add it to my Netflix queue!
Since today's a holiday, the kids are home with me. It's been a good day so far and they're both doing a great job, not to mention the fact that they're getting along almost perfectly. Did I just jinx myself? Hope it lasts! LOL
Wednesday, February 15, 2006
Valentine's Day
Yesterday was really nice. The kids had a great day in school and each came home with a bag stuffed with valentines and candy from their classmates. We wanted to exchange our valentines for each other when everyone was home, so when Alex got home with our son, we decided on dinner, ordered Thai and had it delivered. While we waited for our food, we exchanged our valentines. Alex gave me a mushy card that made me cry when I read it out loud, a cute big mylar balloon, and a bouquet of a dozen mixed white/milk chocolate covered strawberries. The kids bought me some really cute cards and made Alex his, which came complete with hugs and kisses. Alex and I gave the kids each a puzzle and a handmade valentine, which they loved. Since I've been homebound, I couldn't go out and buy a card for Alex this year. I wanted to do something different than the usual printing up my own card from americangreetings.com, so I was crafty this year and made Alex a mushy valentine. I decorated it with crafty scrapbook paper, a paper with a watermark of the sun setting over the beach, flower petals and a picture of us cut into a heart shape. On the watermarked paper, I wrote a mushy poem of how I loved him--my soulmate, and I believed in us. He loved it. :)
Our dinner came shortly after we exchanged our gifts and everything was so good. We ordered some chicken coconut soup, an order of golden bags (which is minced chicken and shrimp wrapped in a won ton skin and deep fried, served with a sweet and sour cucumber sauce), pineapple fried rice with chicken and shrimp, sweet and sour pork (because the kids don't really like spicy foods too much), and chicken panang curry. Everything was sooo good and the kids really enjoyed the food, even my picky son!
So we all had a really nice day filled with goodies, warm fuzzies, and most importantly--love. Hope you all had a really nice Valentine's Day as well, whether single or in a relationship. Happy Love Day!!!
Monday, February 13, 2006
Winter Fun and Games
Speaking of winter, did you hear about the crazy winter storm that the East Coast is having? The Baltimore/Washington area got 20 inches! Could you imagine? I'm so glad that we're not living in Baltimore anymore because that is just too damn crazy! I lived there for a few years back when Alex was still in college at Johns Hopkins University. When I first moved there in December of 1993, they were having the worst winter storm in years and I must have stayed in bed for 2 weeks because it was so damn cold! Coming from Hawaii, it was a shock. Looking back on it, that storm was nothing compared to 20 inches! That is an insane amount to be getting at one time. I couldn't imagine, nor deal with all of that mess!
I kinda feel guilty enjoying the nice weather we're having out here. We're supposed to have a high of 74 today. Nice!
Tomorrow's Valentine's Day! YAY! :)
Friday, February 10, 2006
In Loving Memory
I went shopping for some sympathy cards last night, and had to fight back the tears as I picked up different ones and read the sentiments. I am still struggling to fight back the tears as I write this. It's hard to see your loved ones aging, seeing them as mortal, and then ultimately saying goodbye.
I still have the Christmas card that she sent us a couple of months ago. I'll always have it now, along with her memories...
Thursday, February 09, 2006
The 2006 Grammys
Tuesday, February 07, 2006
This Is Cool!
Anyway, have a great week!
Monday, February 06, 2006
They're Going To Disneyland And They're Taking The Bus!

Friday, February 03, 2006
And So It Goes...
I really need to be there...I should really be there and I can't. It's disappointing. We're all disappointed, but there's just nothing that I can do. I'm sorry.
Thursday, February 02, 2006
Funky Fresh
Wednesday, February 01, 2006
Life...Or Something Like It
Because of everything that's happened this past week, I can't help but think of Dad and how lucky we are to still have him. It could've been him.
We live our lives thinking that we have all the time in the world, yet life takes a turn and makes us realize that it is too short, and anything can happen in an instant. Time is too important to be taken for granted. Love your loved ones and tell them you love them. Don't forget to show them you love them. Let the petty things go. Make the most of every moment so that there aren't any regrets in the end.

Thursday, January 26, 2006
Back Update
Maybe It's Time For A Change
Wednesday, January 25, 2006
Love This, Love This, Love This!!!

I don't remember exactly how I discovered The Kumars at No. 42 on BBC America, but I love it! Where have I been? It is hilarious! The Kumars is a part scripted/part improvisational talk show in the UK which stars a fictional Indian family residing in Wembley, London. The central premise of the show is that Sanjeev (the son) wants a talk show of his own, so his parents Madhuri and Ashwin bulldozed over Madhuri's garden and built a talk show set in their backyard. Celebrity guests enter through the front door, meet the family, and then are interviewed on the set by Sanjeev while his parents and Sanjeev's grandmother Sushila (Ummi) serve Indian appetizers, sweets and tea, and then sit alongside them on a couch (a la Ed McMahon to Johnny Carson or Andy Richter to Conan O'Brien style) and chime in throughout the interview. Running jokes include Sanjeev's apparent social ineptitude, Ashwin's obsession with financial matters and tendency to tell stories with no apparent point, and that the guest's appearances are paid for in large jars of chutney made by Sanjeev's aunt and sold by Ashwin. Ummi has got some fire in her still and seems to hit on most of the male guests that appear on the show! Not only do we see their hilarious interaction with the guests, but we also see their family dynamics and even though they are an Indian family, I think all cultures can relate. Guests have included Boy George, Minnie Driver, Graham Norton, Jennifer Saunders, Richard E. Grant and Lawrence Llewelyn-Bowen. I just cannot get enough of this program and now permanently resides on my Tivo list! Check it out!

Tuesday, January 03, 2006
Haouli Makahiki Hou!
Anyway, hope you all are doing well! I hope that my next post will be a bit more exciting! ;) Merry Belated Christmas and Happy Belated Hanukkah and New Year!